Thermal Expansion
Thermal Expansion: Overview
This topic comprises the term thermal expansion and its different types. It also explains the concept of thermal stress along with the graphs related to thermal expansion of water and the coefficient of volume expansion of copper.
Important Questions on Thermal Expansion
Describe an activity to show the thermal expansion in gases.

Choose the correct formula from the following options.

Write the formula for volumetric expansion coefficient of a liquid.

Define the volumetric expansion coefficient of a liquid.

If there is an increase in the _____ of a solid body due to heating, then the expansion is called cubical expansion.

Water firstly heated from to , then cooled from to and again heated from to . Here, water will initially expand and lastly contract.

Soft drink bottles are not filled completely to avoid same from bursting.

Exposed water pipes lagged with straw in winter in hilly areas to maintain the water temperature above .

Gap left between the ends of two railway lines in a railway track is due to compression of solids.

The anomalous expansion of water helps to preserve aquatic life during freezing weather.

The vegetables and fruits get damaged during severe frost because of the water present in them.

The water pipes burst because the water inside them is expanding when it undergoes _____.

_____'s apparatus comprises a vertical vessel full of water surrounded round the middle by a trough of cooling ice. It is used to measure the temperature of the water.

How many thermometers are used in Hope's apparatus?

When heat is supplied to a material, its dimension gets changed.

The density of water is maximum at _____ and is less on either side of this temperature.

When the temperature of water decreases from _____ to instead of contracting it expands, and becomes less dense.

A deep pond of water has its top layer frozen during winter. The expected temperature of the water layer at the bottom of the pond is zero degree Celsius.

A deep pond of water has its top layer frozen during winter. The expected temperature of the water layer at the bottom of the pond is _____ degree Celsius.

The coefficient of volumetric expansion of water in is